It’s called Fall for a reason

It’s called Fall for a reason

Like I said in my last post, time flies! Y’all, how is it already November! MID-November! My last blog was early July!  I don’t think I’ve stopped long enough to sit and type something.  It’s called Fall for a reason.  I literally collapse into it every season!  But, Fall, ahhhhh, I love it here in the Fall.  Fresh, crisp air and mild temps. 

I made it through another season of growing, harvesting, and canning!  The garden did wonderfully. We harvested tons of peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, lettuce, and much more. We battled with hornworms and vine borers more than usual this year.  We lost the one and only spaghetti squash vine we planted, as well as, a pumpkin vine.  But, honestly, we were ok with it.  We don’t really have the storage space anymore. I canned over 457 jars this year.  The root cellar is FULL. We decided next year we will only plant what we can eat.  I hope to only can blackberries and raspberries next year, which in a small way, I’m kind of excited about.  I need the break.

My little herb garden did ok.  I never was able to grow oregano for some reason.  I did harvest some basil, dill and cilantro. I plan on growing herbs every year now.

We do have a few things growing right now in the greenhouse for winter. Tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.  This is a first for growing them in winter.  We are hoping they do well. If so, we will be able to have fresh vegetables all year long.

I was able to spend a few weekends antiquing.  My favorite thing to do! I met my sister in Ringgold for a short weekend and who knew all the antique shops that were there!  We plan on making this an annual thing!

Between a few trips to Georgia and several family members coming here to visit over the past few months it’s been pretty busy!  This year I will have both daughters and grandkids here for Thanksgiving!  I’m so excited for them to be here!!

Oh, I did manage to work on my very own cookbook during early morning hours through Spring and Summer.  I get up around 5am every morning to have my devotion time.  If there was some remaining time left, I worked on the book.  I’m so happy with how it turned out.

The basement is so close to being finished!  I probably say that on every blog but, seriously, it is so close!  Here are a few pictures showing how far we’ve come. The ceiling (partial) and a few doors are about all that’s left!  Besides the 234756239 pieces of trim work!  We are so happy to be able to check this off our long list of things to do around here.  This was a major project and took up so much of our time but, it’s been worth it. Please remember, Al still has day job! Next Spring and Summer will look a bit different around here.  I won’t be in the kitchen canning 24/7 and Al won’t be working on the basement.  We can finally move on to other things!

Only one more week of Fall decor and then, it’s on to Christmas decorating!  I can’t wait!  Here are a few pictures of some of the decor before I take it down!

The dogs and cats are all doing well!  Gunner and Gracie are growing like weeds. They are super good but, very hyper puppies.  They turn one in December! Can you believe it?

We still have cows and now, two mules and a donkey!  We have opened a few more fields for them which will help with the mowing next Spring and Summer.  Al is happy about that!

I truly hope you have a wonderful and warm Thanksgiving!  Remember, there is always something to be grateful for!

Thanks for stopping by!



“When joy and prayer are married, their first born child is gratitude.”  Charles Spurgeon



10 Replies to “It’s called Fall for a reason”

  1. Everything looks wonderful and what a beautiful idea with your cookbook! Are you planning on selling copies??😉😉. Seriously you guys are amazing with all you do. So happy you have the home of your dreams and a love to share it with. Hopefully you’ll have more time next year to update a little more often. 😊

  2. Love love! Seems like everything is what you dreamed about and more! I love you kitties and pups the mostest ❤️❤️ and it has to be a blast with the donkeys and mules roaming about – a safe haven for them. Miss you each day – have a blessed thanksgiving with your girls and post pictures ❤️❤️

  3. This is all so cool . We just sold our 42 acres in Copperhill. Hate it but we will get a small second home in Winter Garden near the kids.

  4. I love the goodies you sent me. I cannot wait to meet them two puppies. And have a few beers on that front porch. Love y’all ✌️❤️🇺🇸

  5. I’m so happy for you two. Everything looks so beautiful! I know as you guys look at your labor of love, you see home. From here it looks like paradise. Continued well wishes for many years to come. Thanks for sharing!

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